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Complaint and Content Removal Policy & Procedures

Last Updated: May 21, 2024

We are committed to maintaining a secure and respectful environment on our platform. Our complaint and content removal process ensures that all concerns are addressed promptly and fairly. These processes may be changed without notice in the platform’s sole discretion.

  • Complaint Process: Users can report any alleged unlawful or alleged infringing content or activity directly through our platform. We will make reasonable efforts to review and resolve all allegations within seven (7) business days from the submission of your report. Any content that is determined to be unlawful or infringing will be removed immediately and may be reported to law enforcement.

  • Content Removal Appeals: Individuals depicted in any content have the right to appeal for its removal. Upon receiving an appeal, we will verify the consent for the content through a reasonable process. If consent is not established, or if it is proven to be void under applicable law, the content will be taken down immediately. Disputes regarding consent will be resolved by a neutral body at our selection and expense.

  • Reporting: Complaints that result in the identification of certain types of unlawful activity will be reported to all appropriate parties, including but not limited to, our payment processor, the NCMEC and appropriate law enforcement agencies.